
Faculty, BIG DATA (information), Large language model(LLM), Generative Pre-trained Transforme model(GPT), Research Lab's "FBLGR Quality" is a leading company,AI Science and Technology Innovation for Global Sustainable Development.
Security,DX, ICT, AI, Agriculture, Medical, Human Resource Development, Future Prediction, SDGs, etc.

Geoffrey Hinton

If it can be used to draft government responses, it will significantly reduce overtime hours for bureaucrats and improve the efficiency of evidence-based policy making (EBPM).
In the context of operational efficiency, there are many benefits that GPT brings.
If AI enters the Government Cloud (a common cloud service usage environment for government agencies and local governments), which is being promoted mainly by the Digital Agency, an AI inquiry call center common to governments, prefectures, and local governments will be created. The work of local governments to respond to inquiries will decrease sharply.
Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture, is already conducting a demonstration experiment in which ChatGPT supports "sorting garbage when taking out" with the cooperation of Yutaka Matsuo Laboratory at the University of Tokyo, which is famous for its AI research. I feel that there is also potential in creating such a guide for residents.
As for future utilization, I hope that the wisdom of the private sector will be used. We plan to hold ideathons and hackathons and horizontally expand them on the Digital Agency's digital marketplace.