
Faculty, BIG DATA (information), Large language model(LLM), Generative Pre-trained Transforme model(GPT), Research Lab's "FBLGR Quality" is a leading company,AI Science and Technology Innovation for Global Sustainable Development.
Security,DX, ICT, AI, Agriculture, Medical, Human Resource Development, Future Prediction, SDGs, etc.

Geoffrey Hinton

Automotive industry
Data from companies, employees, and consumers will be expanded, and even vague questions will be able to quickly get to what they want to know.
For companies and employees, images such as "Tell me about potential collaborators with high customer evaluations who have XX skills" or "Tell me people from other departments who have XX experience and materials."
In the past, even if you searched on the Web or intranet, it was difficult to find search results that perfectly match multiple conditions, and companies and employees who did not disseminate information in the first place could not search.
As for consumers, they can ask questions such as "What are your concerns about mobility in this area right now?" or "What are the characteristics of people who are using new mobility services early?"
This can also change the conventional situation in which a large amount of information gathered by cobblestone mixing must be read and interpreted by oneself over time.