
Faculty, BIG DATA (information), Large language model(LLM), Generative Pre-trained Transforme model(GPT), Research Lab's "FBLGR Quality" is a leading company,AI Science and Technology Innovation for Global Sustainable Development.
Security,DX, ICT, AI, Agriculture, Medical, Human Resource Development, Future Prediction, SDGs, etc.

Geoffrey Hinton

The Journey to Digital Immortality
Collaborative research with MIT graduate school
The Journey to Digital Immortality
Could an AI avatar collect all your thoughts and memories, then become a digital clone of yourself and “live” forever?
Ignition: The MIT Entrepreneurship Development Program
In January 2014 I was one of the 120 people accepted in MIT’s intensive program for entrepreneurs. Intensive as in learn & experiment for 20 hours or more per day with some of the top minds in the world, aiming to transform an idea into a fully-thought potential startup. It seemed the best opportunity to take the crazy “Skype with the dead” idea to the next level and get onboard with mavericks that could bring this absurd thing closer to being real.
Our end goal is to preserve the thoughts, stories and memories of entire generations and create a library of human memories, one where you could ask people in the past about their individual or collective experiences and thoughts.
“the more information you give the avatar access to, the smarter it will become”

Undertaker's CHATGPT
(For funerals, funerals, memorial services, memorial services, posthumous memorial services.
Type: Jodo sect, Jodo Shin sect, Shingon sect, Tendai sect, Nichiren sect, Rinzai sect, any sect, Soto sect)
What you can do when saying goodbye to the deceased who died in the new corona
HOCITGROUP successfully applied for a patent to create a chatbot that mimics the voice of the deceased
AI service that allows you to “converse” with the deceased
It is said that there is a possibility to create a chat box based on AI and based on a person's profile. Profiles include a variety of personal information, including "images, voice data, SNS posts, emails and messages." Chatbots will be able to simulate human conversations through voice commands, text chat, or both.
On the digital immortality platform, the deceased lives on by transforming into a 'life story avatar'. The avatar speaks in the voice of the deceased that was recorded while they were still alive. When family members speak to the deceased's voice avatar using smart speakers, mobile apps or PC apps, voice recognition technology like "Alexa" is activated and pre-recorded stories, memories, jokes, songs, and even advice. is returned.
For example, in ChatGPT, "Become a deceased grandmother."
Paid users can access the avatar of the deceased and ask questions of the avatar. For example, "What's your earliest memory?", "Tell me about your relationship with your mom", and "When was the last time you were proud of yourself?" The answer comes back in the voice of the deceased that was recorded while alive. Recording your life story itself is free, but you'll need to sign up for a plan starting at $39 a year to share your avatar with family and friends.
We store audio recordings made by users, but we do not distribute such data for purposes other than their intended use, such as data mining for advertising, or use such data for commercial purposes."
Collaborative research with MIT graduate school0