
Faculty, BIG DATA (information), Large language model(LLM), Generative Pre-trained Transforme model(GPT), Research Lab's "FBLGR Quality" is a leading company,AI Science and Technology Innovation for Global Sustainable Development.
Security,DX, ICT, AI, Agriculture, Medical, Human Resource Development, Future Prediction, SDGs, etc.

Geoffrey Hinton

Dedicated to sustainability and innovation Boutique Farms
Service Areas
Clarification of the company's raison d'être of what it exists for, and its mission and vision of what it wants to become. In addition, we support the formulation of strategies and actions to achieve these goals.
Maximizing the positive impact on society. In addition, we accompany companies companies on management issues such as SDGs, ESG, CSR, and CSV. Various training and seminars are also available.
Creative & innovation
We support the development of new businesses to create new value. We also support the transformation of the corporate organization itself, such as DX.
We also support the enhancement of corporate value through the power of creativity.
We specialize in innovation research for the creation of new value, such as "worldview" and "backcasting," starting with domestic and overseas companies, markets, and technology research.

Service Areas
Creating social impact and enhancing corporate value are increasingly recognized as two wheels of corporate management that complement each other.
We support the integration and promotion of SDGs and sustainability into corporate management.
If there are 100 companies, there are 100 management issues.
Instillation from the formulation of management strategies. From marketing to branding, from overseas expansion to business succession, management issues are diverse.
Please feel free to contact us.
Creative innovation
Innovation is drying up.
This is not just a challenge for one company, but for the whole world.
Execution from business emergence and creative ideas,
We also support organizations that nurture the soil.
Change the way you see the world, explore possibilities.
We will make the choices that we think are best in our perception. Sometimes, it is necessary to expand or deepen this awareness in corporate management.
Toward the realization of a sustainable society, we support challengers and return the expertise of professionals to society Crowd intelligence platform
A web media that organizes and distributes information on activities and initiatives intended for social impact in Japan and overseas.
For freelance consultants, click here
We are actively collaborating with freelance consultants. If you are interested, please visit here.
